Yellow Fever vaccination for Brazil

2/28/2018 3:08:34 PM

Marcel P. answered about Brazil’s (lack of) vaccination requirements.

I wanted to rectify that WHO says a booster is not needed after 10 years:

17 MAY 2013 | GENEVA – The yellow fever ‘booster’ vaccination given ten years after the initial vaccination is not necessary, according to WHO. An article published in WHO’s Weekly Epidemiological Record (WER) reveals that the Organization’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on immunization (SAGE) has reviewed the latest evidence and concluded that a single dose of vaccination is sufficient to confer life-long immunity against yellow fever disease.

I don’t have any evidence to support this, but my colleagues (we use to travel for work) told me one can go somewhere to get a new vaccination certificate when the original one expires.

I don’t even know where/how you’d do that here in Argentina, but you can try calling any center that provides the vaccination to ask if they know how to renew the certificate.

2/28/2018 11:30:13 AM

The yellow fever vaccination is recommended but not mandatory (in portuguese) for now:

Viajantes internacionais

O Brasil não exige o Certificado Internacional de Vacinação ou
Profilaxia para entrada no país.

a free translation:

International Travelers:

Brazil does not requires the internacional
vaccination certificate when you arrive in the country.

Source: Yellow Fever – Brazil

However, the yellow fever vaccination is recommended:

In response to the outbreak, the World Health Organization expanded
the list of areas where yellow fever vaccination is recommended for
international travelers to Brazil. Most recently, the city of São
Paulo was added to this expanded list (below). Please note that this
list contains temporary expanded vaccine recommendations.

Source: IAMAT

My recommendation is if you already got the vaccination 10 years ago, get it again. If you already got it before, you do not need to wait 10 days to vaccination works.

I am not sure what part of Rio de Janeiro you will visit. It is important to highlight that there is not any case of urban yellow fever. The people that got yellow fever, they have been in remote areas. I suggest to use a mosquito repellent.

Here, there is mapping that you can see the risk by region:

2/28/2018 9:56:16 AM

You can get medical travel advice by phone at the Institute of Tropical medicine.


  • Their page Yellow fever vaccination: update mentions getting a booster injection. You can check if anything mentioned there applies to you.
  • Yellow fever vaccination centres are listed here (another list here)

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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