Wrong salutation (Ms instead of Mr) in international air ticket

4/7/2018 4:20:17 AM

No problem. My wife travelled once on a ” Mr” salutation. To Kuwait on a Kuwait airways flight from Cochin airport.

4/6/2018 8:17:31 PM

From personal experience, this absolutely didn’t matter for me, when some airline a while ago (can’t remember which one now, possibly Emirates or Egypt Air) issued a ticket to me with “Mrs” on it instead of “Mr”. I contacted them at the time and they told me not to worry.

When I arrived at the airport, nobody even remotely bothered to check the title/salutation. The name match fully against my passport – and that was sufficient.

When you arrive at the passport or customs control, you don’t need your boarding pass nor ticket, so this shouldn’t matter again.

4/6/2018 11:27:59 AM

There is no issue with this on immigration counter as titles are optional everywhere.

You would note that your son’s passport doesn’t have a title or salutation, that should tell you how important it is to get this right.

I would be more worried about the transit through Kuwait. The airport is undergoing construction so I hope your son is able to find seating as the airport gets very crowded. A new temporary terminal and a new airport are both under construction.

Relax, and have a safe trip.

4/6/2018 10:08:38 AM

they have included a remark in their system to read ‘Ms’ as ‘Mr’.

That’s it then, don’t worry. And checking for titles on a ticket is not the job of an immigration officer, it is the job of check-in staff and they will see a note by their office.

Many airlines do not allow any changes to names after a ticket has been issued but if you request them for such changes due to a mistake they indicate those in remarks for check-in staff. That’s exactly what they did for you and that’s good enough, don’t worry.

I have made this mistake multiple times wih different airlines and those remarks have always helped. I’ve never been questioned about those.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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