It depends on the specific circumstances.
If you have checked luggage that has been loaded onto the plane, AND you’re on a flight that requires Positive Passenger Bag Matching (PPBM – more on that below) then there will be a delay whilst they first try and page you, and then resort to removing your checked bags from the plane. Normally this would take 5-20 minutes, depending on the type of plane, the airline, and how closely they track where luggage is stored in the plane. Most airlines start this process ~10 minutes before departure, so any delay would normally be closer to 5-15 minutes.
If you do NOT have luggage, OR if you’re on a flight that does not require PPBM, then you will likely NOT delay the flight at all. Most airlines have a cut-off time 10-15 minutes before the stated flight departure time, and if passengers are not at the gate at that time then their seat can be released and even given to another (standby) passenger if required. Depending on the exact situation some airlines may delay the flight by a few minutes whilst they page the passenger, but that’s becoming more and more unlikely.
Now, back to PPBM. Positive Passenger Bag Match is a regulation introduced on most international flights and many domestic flights after the bombings of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Air India 182 over the Atlantic Ocean, and UTA Flight 772 over the Sahara Desert. In each case these bombings involved luggage for passengers that were not on board the flight.
PPBM regulates that a customer should not be able to cause their checked luggage to fly on a flight that they are not on. That’s not to say that their luggage can’t go on a different flight – it’s just that the passenger themselves can’t make that happen by, for example, failing to board the flight.
US domestic flights do NOT enforce PPBM as all checked luggage in the US is screened for explosives before being loaded on the plane.
There are only two cases where delays might occur:
When you checked in – let’s assume without luggage. This means that
before the flight closes the doors, they will call for you in the terminal. The delays here are usually minimal since they will not wait so long until they miss an assigned departure slot or even connection flights. Delays should be up to a maximum of 20 minutes I would assume.
When you checked in with luggage. Then, they will have to take your luggage out again and that can take a while. This of course comes on top of the delay from waiting for you at the gate. I heard of instances where they do not take out the luggage, apparently more on high-volume domestic flights, but I would assume this is rather an exception.
Otherwise, there should be no problems, specially if you did not check in yet.‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024