The answer is simple you use your turn signals to indicate to other drivers what your intentions are. You were correct to indicate left as your vehicle must turn slightly/merge to enter the main road from the access road on the right hand side of road.
As a fellow Pittsburgher driving the very same roads I use my left signal at this entrance onto the Boulevard.
There is a stop sign at this intersection.
Your right hand signal would be appropriate while stopped at the sign, to signal your intent to cars behind you. As soon as you’ve decided to proceed, you should switch to left signal to indicate your intention to oncoming traffic in the lane you’re merging to.
This is the oakland zoo, just go. He was fishing for a DUI nothing more. You would use your right turn signal at the stop sign. Even though it’s your only option. If there were an actual merge lane you would use your left signal to indicate a right lane to left lane merge, but there isn’t. I was born and raised here in the Steelcity and work in Oakland.
Based on Florida Drivers License Handbook
Signal your intent to merge onto the expressway
In this case, you’d switch between signals when merging –
So right signal when exiting until the stop sign, then left signal while merging.
Pennsylvania DOT agrees, but without pictures –
In this particular case you should be using the RIGHT TURN Signal
You use the left turn signal only in the case where you merge or change from an acceleration lane such as the situation here:
In your particular case you where actually making a shallow right turn.
There are no actual rules printed as far as I can remember but you can check the driver’s manual from various states it may be there.‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024