It’s very likely that the only recourse you have here is to contact them, give them the time, date and details of what happened, and you may get an apology or some cash back. Maybe.
They’re contactable both by phone, and by email on their site:
(+33) 03 20 40 40 40 (local call rate)
Mondays to Fridays, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturdays, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
What it comes down to is likely a computer error (or possibly user error and you didn’t realise, but that seems unlikely given your description). They likely have a contract with the vendor who supplies them, and if enough errors are occurring they will get it replaced, or depending on their agreement, some financial compensation.
What can you do in the future? Not much. It’s a computer with limited access. If there’s a staff member around, perhaps ask them, but other than that your options are extremely limited.
Compare it to when a vending machine eats your money. Has likely happened to you – it’s happened to me on many occasions. There’s usually a number you can call, but it comes down to – is it worth the hassle? To me it isn’t, but that’s based on the price of a bag of chips, not a train ticket – which may be more valuable.‘