Will providing an incorrect suffix and prefix for a name (Dr., PhD) on a flight ticket cause issues at the airport?

10/5/2016 11:50:12 AM

The reason for using titles DR and CAPT on flight booking is definitely not to treat you based on your higher level of education or profession. While you are in mid air, 2 kinds of emergencies are expected – Medical and Technical. If any of these emergencies arise, the flight crew can easily locate a doctor or a captain from the passengers manifest and seek expert assistance. Other doctors or captains (if any) may proudly use the title anywhere else but not in a flight booking please.

3/12/2016 5:42:07 PM

I have occasionally used PhD on the ticket for my wife (who has one), and Southwest used to print it on the ticket, but she was never asked to prove it. And never got any better service as best as I can tell.

I have been told that in Germany, claiming an unearned degree is a criminal offense.

3/12/2016 2:27:37 PM

It will have no effect. Most air tickets issued by American carriers don’t even include your title anyway (everyone else does though).

There is a small chance the crew might ask you for medical assistance on the flight and then you will have to use that terribly embarrassing line, “I’m not that kind of doctor” (or in your case, “I’m not actually any kind of doctor at all”).

Misrepresenting your name may be illegal but I don’t suppose anyone will be too worried about it, because no one will find out.

Finally, it is redundant to use both “Dr” and “PhD” in your style, since “PhD” (Philosophiae Doctor) already includes the Latin word for “Dr”. Any real PhD will spot your fraud a mile away 😉

3/12/2016 6:05:56 AM

That is extremely unlikely, since your id doesn’t show your title. I am expecting the ability to choose title has much more to do with how they address you in their e-mails.

Also, TSA and equivalent organisations aren’t paid to deal with academical fraud.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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