As it turned out, everyone in my carriage was peaceful and well-behaved. But passing through the train, I did pass a few groups who seemed to be drinking heavily and talking loudly, and who would have been rather annoying to sit near. And then, the train was delayed for 30 minutes at Ebbsfleet while several unruly drunk passengers were taken off by the police (according to the train manager’s announcement).
So, based on one data point, it seems that this is certainly a possibility. Of course I have no way of knowing whether this is common or unusual. I likewise don’t know whether Standard Premier class would have been different.
It’s very unlikely. I’ve been in the train station in London at 2-5am and it’s not exactly full of arriving revelers or drunks, it’s mostly tired people sipping coffee, waiting for their train out to Paris etc.
It’s possible you’ll accidentally hit some event that’s caused people to come on a popular day for some event, but that could happen any day, in theory, and as commenters have pointed out, if they’re partying, they’re more likely to party later, and perhaps travel the next day (ie a weekend in Paris, etc).‘
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024