Will connecting my wallet to my belt loop deter or attract pickpockets?

12/3/2019 1:45:00 PM

I’d say you may be a bit safer in some situations (at the expense of looking a bit stupid), but that depends.

At least it would be something unexpected for most pickpockets. What you need to consider is that pickpockets are not after you, specifically, but the easiest target. From my (luckily limited) personal experience I can say that when I was pickpocketed/stolen from, it was always because of being an easy target.

That said, “easy target” can vary significantly depending on where you go. In some parts of the world looking Asian may mark you as unsuspecting. In some parts, where mugging is more common, walking alone makes you an easy target. Sometimes playing with you phone in the subway will.

Does the coil make you safer? If the pickpocket sees it and and assumes that someone else is an easier mark, it may. Will it make a big difference either way? Probably not. Can we say for sure? No.

Personally, I’d leave the thing at home; even if it works it’ll probably add too little to justify the weirdness of it.

I always recommend to do as the locals do, and not get paranoid just because you are in a different country.

I see two possible scenarios here:

  • If you keep a moderate amount of money in your wallet and have a spare ATM card in a separate location, having your wallet nicked should not be the end of the world. In this case the coil wouldn’t be worth the trouble (for me).
  • On the other hand: If I were forced to lug around my entire travel budget in cash (and/or irreplacable documents), the additional “security” of that coil would be too little for me. I would rather get a money belt at my earliest convenience and not keep the things in my pant pockets at all.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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