Why would TWO border checks be performed for the same bus upon entering Switzerland?

12/15/2017 12:04:56 PM

There cannot be and will not be a fact based answer. However, this question can be asked for a lot of security/border checkposts etc.
E.g. Why do you have to go through security check again at some transit airports although you had a securtiy check at you origin of departure? Why are sometimes multiple security checks at airports?

The answer is always the same: It increases securtiy or it increases the feeling of security. The first possibility is most of the times the “official” one. However, to my opinion it is most of the time the second possibility which is the “real answer”.

So for your specific case. Switzerlands oficials can now state that they 1) control the border and 2) control (maybe randomly) buses/trucks whatever within the country. Or that they increased the controls.

Is it somehow unlogical to control the same bus two times? Maybe yes, however you postulate that the controls are for the pure purpose of the control itself and not for political reasons (=feeling for security). Still you might argue, that a double control is always more save than a single on, in theory the bus can of course stop between border and basel and get more/less passengers etc.

Regarding the question of JonathanReez: Since June 12th 2017 there are systemic border controls between Germany and Switzerland because of the “refugee crisis” (source in german, just translate the second header)


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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