Why do some hostels only allow international visitors?

7/13/2022 8:06:14 AM

Many hostels refuse to admit Australians because of their behavior and the way they act, here are some the reasons.

  1. Some locals will stop in a backpackers for a few days using fake id and steal
    others personal belongings.
  2. Many Aussies who stay in backpackers are transients with dubious criminal back
    or maybe on the run from the law.
  3. Locals may try to sell drugs while staying at the premises or hostel.
  4. Many hostels refuse to accommodate locals with mental illness.
  5. Aussies have a reputation for getting drunk and causing fights.
    having worked in hostels these are the main reasons why Australians are refused service, if your an Aussie wanting to stay in a backpackers turn up well dressed , clean cut and tell them you work. it may or may not work.
2/1/2016 9:42:16 AM

Some places have laws that make it hard and expensive to evict hotel guests who overstay their welcome. International visitors often have to leave the country after a set amount of days, which makes it easy to get rid of them. Unfortunately I do not know if there are any of these “hard to evict” problems in Australia.

2/1/2016 12:11:10 AM

Well, That happened to one of my friend. It’s true that this happen often. Like the comment above mentioned, some hostels want to have a global social environment rather than bunch of people from the country. I think also the people who use the hotels expect the travelers to be from around the world which create a different environment. Don’t be upset but that’s the way it is. I travel with 2 passports so I can always find a hostel which accommodate me. I don’t frequent them often due to other issues I don’t want to discuss.
In brief, try not to go to a hostel in your own country.

1/31/2016 5:52:38 AM

Don’t take it personally, that happens in other countries as well. It’s not common, but there are hostels in the US, Canada, and Europe that don’t allow people from their own country to stay there. So if it makes you feel any better, there are U.S. hostels that will happily accept you, but not a U.S. citizen. I ran into that once myself when I wanted to stay at a hostel here, so I know it is frustrating.

The reasoning is some hostels are trying to create a particular social environment where you can interact with travelers from all different countries. It’s also a way to make sure guests really are people who are traveling, not just locals who need a place to crash, or someone who just arrived in town and is looking for temporary housing. At worse, some hostels that let anyone stay can end up looking more like a housing project or homeless shelter.

It does solve that problem, but it is unfortunate that they also end up excluding people who really are visiting town from other parts of the country. I don’t think it’s a great policy, but that’s the reasoning behind it anyway.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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