It’s worth remembering that Delta agreed to allow this 3rd party website to sell tickets on their behalf. Therefore, to some degree, it IS Delta’s problem as well.
You have two possible options here: blame the third party, or blame Delta. Or potentially both, as it’s a business relationship between them.
I’ve found in the past when I’ve had problems with an airline, a simple email to their customer support, explaining what happened, why you were disappointed, and a suggestion that perhaps some compensation would be in order gets a pretty decent response, and I’ve always been compensated when I’ve complained about something (to be fair, it has to be bad to make me complain).
If they’re failing to respond, I’ve found you can often get a faster response by tweeting them – something about the message being public suddenly gets a quick response 🙂 Try it with the third party website as well.
Without knowing the workings of the relationship between the third party and Delta, you can’t be expected to know exactly who made the error, so I’d try contacting Delta primarily, as they also deserve to know that something went wrong. If it happens enough, they may change their working relationship.
Good luck!‘
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024