Which US states have criminalized hitchhiking?

Which US states have criminalized hitchhiking?

2/28/2017 12:43:00 AM

It varies from state to state.

enter image description here

Some are legal for it to be done on the shoulder of the road. (green)

Others off the travelled part of the road (eg stand in grass). (yellow)

Others – completely illegal. (red)

Others – unclear. (grey)

There’s a map and guide on Hitchwiki indicating the status for each one. This comes from the main USA page on Hitchwiki.

3/6/2017 3:35:06 PM


Source: DEL CODE § 4147

New Jersey

Source: 39:4-59


Source: NRS 484B.297


Source: 49-709


Source: 41_04117

Note: federal laws supersede state laws, and the federal law states that the legality of hitchhiking within national parks is decided by the superintendent of that park (Source: CFR Title 36 section 4.31).

Credit: All the hard work was done by Hitchwiki, I just compiled all the references in one place.


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