Which is the cheapest ferry to Jeju in South Korea?

Which is the cheapest ferry to Jeju in South Korea?

2/4/2013 10:58:32 PM

visitkorea.or.kr has some information on routes and prices to Jeju.

The cheapest rates they quote are KRW 30,000 for Mokpo-Jeju and KRW 26,250 for Wando-Jeju.

So yes, Wando seems to be the cheapest option.

However, I travelled the Mokpo route in summer 2011. Back then my hostel host was able to get me a free shuttle bus from Gwangju to Mokpo.

2/4/2013 7:30:48 PM

I found this website helpful in actually producing fare prices:


I found that I could do a return sailing for 50 euros. If you look around the site you can try other operators.

Sample image from the site


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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