Which city is shown in the film "A trip to Wiesbaden"?

Which city is shown in the film "A trip to Wiesbaden"?

7/5/2018 2:34:06 PM

Supplementary answer: Instead of looking for Youtube videos, another way to double check the perspective is to use the 3D-capability of Google Maps!

Building with four lower and central higher tower directly left of the cathedral tower: town hall

Spiky white tower further left: St. Michael’s Church

Green dome even further left: Hofburg – former imperial palace

enter image description here

7/5/2018 11:21:04 AM

I am pretty sure that this is in Vienna and that the church is St. Stephen’s Cathedral. I can’t find a picture of the church from that angle, but you can find one from a slightly different angle here. You can recognize both the high, spiky tower and the smaller dome on the other side with the patina roof.


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