I found these six landmarks in the image that lined up nicely with each other:
Then I created a map where I found roughly the coordinates of these landmarks, and drew lines straight through them:
As you can see, these three lines intersect nicely at a single point (at approximately 49.746°N 123.056°W, marked in yellow), which should be approximately the location the image was taken.
As near as I can tell, it’s taken from about here (note that the perspective is different in Google maps to the photo – presumably imitating a different width lens) :
Which would appear to be the view from roughly Round Mountain, looking SW over Squamish.
Google Maps is a bit fiddly, but you can use your mouse to move around in 3D.
It’s hike-able, and is estimated to take about 4.5 hours round trip to the top. There’s no road access.
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024