Where was this neon sign of a dragon displayed in Los Angeles in the 1990s? Is it still there now?

10/10/2022 2:42:35 AM

The neon dragon in your screenshot appears to be one of the dragons that adorned the Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. They weren’t removed from the theatre until 2001, so it is possible you could have seen them during the 1990s atop the theatre. They are now housed at the Museum of Neon Art.

A reverse image search found this news story on MSN.com about the Museum of Neon Art. The included video starts with a pan across what appears to be the same neon dragon you are asking about. The article mentions that

The Museum of Neon Art houses the dragon that once adorned Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood.

The museum, located in Glendale with a warehouse in Pomona, works to collect and maintain neon art.

"When we received this sign it was completely destroyed … we had to sandblast it, re-pattern all the neon glass, re-bend it, re-paint it," said Corrie Siegel, executive director of the Museum of Neon Art.

And in another article I found it mentions that the neon dragons were removed in 2001, so it seems possible that you may have seen them during the 1990s on the theatre itself.

The dragons were taken down in 2001 during another remodel. Both were promised to MONA.


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