Where is this lake?

4/21/2015 4:59:09 PM

To answer the precise question, the lake is called “The Norwegian Sea”.

I wish I could say “And I’ve climbed that”. I’ve done some peaks around Reine (the larger settlement on the west side of the fjord, Hamnøy being the old ferry quay before they built the bridge, and BTW on the right of the photographer, we are looking slightly east of north and behind him/her is only the Lofotfjord), but none of those in the picture. And now I never will, boo hoo.

3/8/2014 11:56:03 PM

It’s taken in Hamnøy, in the Lofoten island in Norway.

You can even make out the specific mountain shown in your photo in the image included on the Wikipedia page.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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