Where is this chained man statue, photographed a century ago?

Where is this chained man statue, photographed a century ago?

1/4/2021 4:48:17 PM

This is the Sculpture "Nègres marrons surpris par des chiens" by Louis Samain. In the context of Slavery, the term "marron"French Wikipedia refers to fugitive slaves (cf. the english "Maroons"English Wikipedia for descendants of enslaved Africans in the Americas who escaped and formed free settlements). The sculpture dates from 1895; nowadays, there’s an public controversion about it in Belgium.

The is sculpture located between Avenue Louise 505 and Avenue Louise 510, Bruxelles, Belgium, near the Tram Station Legrand. Here’s a modern pic from Wikimedia Commons (which even has an own category dedicated to this sculpture):

enter image description here
Karmakolle, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Google has no streetview from the very spot, but the sculpture is visible on this pic:

enter image description here


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