Where in Sweden can I celebrate midsommar with the locals?

7/27/2016 11:02:39 AM

Too late, but for future reference and other people who are wondering:

I celebrated near Skövde. Every place we visited or passed on a roadtrip after midsommar had a midsommarstång, so you can go to basically any city.
Examples near Copenhagen/Lund are Falsterbö and Vikhög.
Pick a city, and search google images for “cityname midsommar”, to see where they celebrate, as it differs in every place (some use a park in the village, others a castle, some might be on a beach, … ).
So pick a place and see if you can reach it by public transport. Or pick a place you can reach, and see if it’s good for you. Since most people don’t celebrate in a city, but rather in a small town, a small village doesn’t mean the festivities will be small. Looking at footage from previous years should give a good impression about how and where it’s celebrated in a given town.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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