Where exactly does the ferry depart from in Mawei, Fuzhou, China that goes to Matsu, Taiwan?

Where exactly does the ferry depart from in Mawei, Fuzhou, China that goes to Matsu, Taiwan?

11/5/2019 8:46:09 AM

Tips for those who want to go to Matsu Islands (Nangan) for a few days to continue to Taiwan or return to China afterward.

It is currently (11/2019) possible to travel to Nangan from Fuzhou Mawei.
There is (usually!) one boat per day that leaves at 9:15 am, you have to be at the terminal ferry before 8:30 am to complete the formalities.
Finding the new terminal is not easy. It is located in Caoban, about fifteen km north of Mawei. Luckily, the bus 201 that runs in Mawei, for 5 yuans and in 1 hour goes to the terminal, the terminal ferry. A number to call the day before (6 pm) to be sure of the boat’s departure the next day: 0591 83956114
I missed the boat at 15 minutes and the next day no boat because of the weather… So I went to Xiamen to go to Kinmen!

1/20/2014 3:28:09 PM

I thought I found it but didn’t have time to post about it, and then didn’t have internet for a couple of days. But now I see it’s different to the one jpatokal found!

Walking route from the one jpatokal found to the one I found on Google Maps. That’s over a one-hour walk.

Mine is called “福州马尾旧镇渡口‎” (Fuzhou Old Town Ferry).

Hopefully the one I found is now defunct and jpatokal found the correct one. If anybody can verify this theory or resolve the duality in any other way, please go for it!

1/19/2014 12:22:58 PM

I think I’ve found it on Baidu Maps:

福州港马尾客运站 (Fuzhou Port Mawei Passenger Terminal)

罗星东路77 (Luoxing East Rd 77)

Per their home page, they have ferries to Matsu (马祖) every few hours. Page seems to be on the blink though, the Transport (交通指南) page is showing up blank. Give 0591-83268880 a ring?

1/21/2014 10:07:43 AM

2nd addition:

Latest update from China:

No.73 bus can take people from fuzhou to the terminal for the ferry, but only those listed with these four chinese characters

  • 两马快线
    = liang ma kuai xian
    = fast bus for the ferry from Mawei to Matsu,)

could enter the terminal. so he could only take No.73 buses with those chinese characters

1st addition:

You are probably there by now, but:

My friend in China rang the phone number that jpatokai provided. She says:
I called the passenger terminal
one ferry one day
9:15am starts, from Mawei to Matsu
8:30am customs clearing
8:45am customs clearing closed

Huzzah! ( 🙂 )

From here
aka: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6da21d820100trmz.html

Caption says: Mawei Port Minjiang – departure to Matsu Island

Ovals on map are my interpretation of available data. YMMV 🙂

enter image description here

enter image description here

She notes that there is useful comment on Matsu here (no mention of Mawei) here:
Also inb ‘clear’ in case the link worketh not for you: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5e1ed3b40102dui1.html

Older incorrect material deleted from below here:


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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