Where can I visit former Nazi camps and prisons in Europe?

3/7/2013 7:18:36 AM

In the Netherlands the former camp Westerbork is now a memorial/museum. There are other memorials at the former camp Amersfoort, I think at Vught, and at several relevant places (like the execution grounds at Waalsdorper plain near the Hague where hundreds were brought from prisons to be shot).

3/6/2013 10:05:55 PM

Terezin (Czech Republic), former Jewish Concentration camp and a prison. Terezin is a fortress town from 18th century. Features:

  • Guided tours in the prison (in former military area).

  • Large Jewish cemetery.

  • Several buildings in the town are devoted to the Museum of Holocaust.

More info: Theresienstadt concentration camp, Terezin Memorial

3/4/2013 9:08:45 PM

Fort Breendonk is probably not the most famous Nazi camp out there, but it is well preserved and far from being the least interesting to visit.

The Hadamar Euthanasia Centre can be visited too. It is a psychiatric hospital today but has a memorial. And it is not too far from Mainz. Can be done on a day trip.

3/4/2013 3:16:28 PM

The locations are very well known. Just as a starting point you can take a look at the Map as of 1942, so using the map and in addition to @travelot answer:

3/4/2013 9:48:16 AM

  • In Krakow, PL, you can visit the Schindler’s Factory, about what Schindler did to save jews giving them jobs. A really good museum.

  • In Oświęcim, PL, you can visit Auschwitz concentration camp (Auschwitz is the german writing of the town’s name), you can go there from Krakow or Katowice by bus or train. You will see the horror factory-sized.

  • In Budapest, HU, you can visit the House of Terror, which is about Arrow Cross Party, the hungarian national socialist party.


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