Another popular place to fly kite is at the Marina Barrage, there’s a kite shop ( at the location but it might be more expensive that what you can get it from other kite shops outside of the Marina area.
There’s the one kite seller with a funny name at Chinatown that sort of make use of the pun in Singlish:
GO FLY KITE (Contributed by Daniel) Derived from the English
admonition “go fly a kite!” which means “piss off”, “f*** off”, “buzz
off”, etc, depending on your level of profanity-tolerance. Of course,
we economical Singaporeans have removed the extraneous indefinite
article. “He know I so busy, still ask me to do things. Ask him go fly
kite, lah!”
Other nice places to fly kite includes:
Almost any other park that near the extremes of Singapore has stronger winds for kite flying (Here’s a list of parks: ;P
Some details from the Singapore Kite Association FAQ:
Where do SKA members fly their kites?
Sengkang East Way / Sengkang East Rd vacant field next to CHENG LIM (SW 1) LRT
Where else?
Where to buys kites in Singapore?
Readily available at all heartland stores.
Where to buy materials to make kites?
Try a craft & hobby store : Spotlight
Does SKA fly luminous kites?
Kites are tethered flying objects. It has come to our attention that a local company is marketing remote control flying crafts (fitted with flashing LED lights) with the word “kite” in their product. These objects are NOT “kites” Conversely, if you see a flying toilet seat tethered on a line, this flying seat is a kite.
For rental see here (S$12/d)‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024