I have used Farecast in the past with varying degrees of success. I suggest giving it a whirl. Michael Hosto
New answer for old question – check out flyr at www.getflyr.com – they currently have a beta tool that gives you buy-wait predictions on domestic flights, like Farecast/BingT used to have.
If you perform a search for flights on Kayak, it will sometimes show an airfare predictor in the top left-hand-corner of the results window, showing whether prices are predicted to fall or rise in the next 7 days (and therefore, whether you should purchase the ticket now or wait).
This only seems to happen when enough people have searched for that route through Kayak, so I assume they are doing the predictions based on their own historical results.
I ran into Hipmunk. This online airfare aggregator has a graphical airfare predictor. Exactly what I have been looking for.
The only website that I know is Farecast, that now seems to be called Bing Travel.
This seems to be more or less successful, as they state by themselves:
According to a third-party audit of our predictive technology, we’re
about 75% accurate and on average, customers will save over $50 on a
typical round-trip transaction.
I never used it by myself, but friends of mine recommended it.
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024