Where can I find a map of the whole Japan railway system?

8/26/2015 11:51:48 AM

Railway tracé by number of tracks: http://www.itoworld.com/map/14?lon=140.62370&lat=38.79141&zoom=5

Railway tracé by clearance, gauge, number of rails: http://www.itoworld.com/map/15?lon=140.62370&lat=38.79141&zoom=5

8/26/2015 7:47:52 AM

Here you go: 全国鉄軌道路線図

¥1,296 from Amazon.co.jp. Here’s a blog review with some pictures of the map folded out.

And yes, that’s entirely in Japanese, I very much doubt such a thing exists in English. To get some idea of the effort that would entail, here’s a closeup of another incomplete & partial map covering just the Tokyo metro area.


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