Where can I buy double-edged razor blades, while traveling in China?

4/16/2016 1:50:30 AM

You can get these razor at almost any HARDWARE shop in China ( yes you read correctly ) – at least in the southern part which I know better.
It will be very challenging for you to ask for it , but It is enough if you will show them an example . They are called 双面刀片 or just 刀片 ( dāopiàn ) .

The only problem is that some hardware shops will have different sizes and shapes that might not be suitable for you .

Another place they sell these are small local stationary shops ( office supply )
I also saw them in a lot of supermarkets and small groceries stores

That said – The foreign brands are not cheap in china , And I am not sure one should trust one’s face with the cheap Chinese ones.

You can find them easily online ( example , example )

If you would say WHERE in China you need them, maybe I can help more ( China as a location is pretty big )

By the way, when I first arrived to China, NO FORM of razors nor shaving cream was available, and the only place to get it was online, or Abroad …
This is still a problem in rural areas in China, because the Chinese are known for lack of facial hair – but strangely enough – those double sided razors were available .
Watsons and similar big brand shops will probably not have these because they hold only large-volume products. But if you will go to some small street with small old fashioned grocery shops- you WILL find them.

In Hong Kong and Macau those razors are available almost everywhere .

4/15/2016 7:23:25 PM

According to this forum post this is indeed very challenging but at least in Hong Kong

Fanda pharmacy in Central (G/F Worldwide House – Central MTR)

seems to sell them. Checking other similar forums it seems your best bet is online.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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