Where are these unusual rock formations rising from the water?

Where are these unusual rock formations rising from the water?

1/3/2016 6:10:37 PM

These look a lot like the Tri Brata sea stacks in Kamchatka:

Tri Brata
Picture from Wikimedia Commons, originally uploaded by Gistereziz to the Russian Wikipedia and released into the public domain.

The photo in the question is clearly taken from a somewhat different angle. But the shapes of the stacks match very closely, as do the striations on the middle stack and even the shape of the mountain top in the background. I’m willing to bet that these are the same rocks.

(Remarkably, the Wikipedia page on the Tri Brata was the first link I clicked in their list of sea stacks, after finding my way to that page from the Twelve Apostles link in Mark Mayo’s answer! I thought the correct site might be listed on that page, but I totally did not expect to find it so quickly.)


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