When will a flight be listed as "short connection" at Amsterdam Schiphol

When will a flight be listed as "short connection" at Amsterdam Schiphol

7/18/2016 1:59:05 PM

So, the official response from KLM wasn’t as ideal as we hoped, but I tweeted them and got this.

My question:

The Short Connection Lane (mentioned on your easy transfer video) –
how many minutes before a flight does it appear in that lane? Thks!

Their response:

The short connection lane is available at Schiphol between Schengen
and non-Schengen. There is a check point with a screen.

On this screen, the flight numbers and sometimes the classes that can
use the lane are mentioned.

The number of minutes will depend on the transfer procedure.

I responded:

Thanks for looking into it. So there’s no fixed number of minutes at
which point a flight appears on the screen?

Eg all flights with 35 min transfer are valid, or all flights with 45
min …

Their response:

We cannot inform you of that, it just depends if your flight number is
included with the other flights. We hope this clarifies.

So long story short, it basically just depends on their decision at the time, it appears.

7/16/2016 7:31:07 AM

According to this image on flickr:

enter image description here

The short connection lane opens 35 minutes before departure. However, I suspect this is tweaked somewhat depending on passenger load in other lanes.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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