When does high-speed rail between Seville and Granada begin?

11/19/2019 9:16:44 PM

According to the Railway Gazette, it opened 2019-06-25.

5/31/2016 12:41:54 PM

Last news says it should be ready for passengers in the first half of 2017 (last paragraph): http://www.laopiniondemalaga.es/malaga/2016/05/03/ave-granada-afronta-fase-final/846839.html.

The last comment you got is right, one half is Granada-Antequera and the other Antequera-Sevilla… not sure how that will play out though.

4/1/2016 9:07:41 PM

That project was meant to be finished on 2014, delayed to 2015 and finally to 2016. It’s uncertainly until now if it’s going to be finished on this half of semester as they promise to (again).

This is the last new I could find, and It says that they will open up the station without even finishing the rails (sigh). Probably it’s going to take more time as always.

PS: It also says that the construction is paralized therefore It’s almost certain that won’t be inaugurate on time.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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