When booking a bus transfer with Ryanair, how does one retrieve the actual bus ticket?

When booking a bus transfer with Ryanair, how does one retrieve the actual bus ticket?

9/9/2021 3:08:08 PM

National Express Terms and Conditions for Ticket Sales online through
Ryanair.com – https://www.ryanair.com/doc/apt/transfer/LGW.pdf

Receiving your Ticket: Please note, after having made a booking in-path through Ryanair.com, you will receive a ticket via email within 24 hours

2/12/2016 12:26:31 AM

OK, here’s the answer. Three hours after making my booking I’ve received the following email from National Express:

ryanair transfer stansted ticket

So the answer is to wait a few hours while they issue a ticket.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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