Possibly related is also the NCAA Men’s Division I Basketball Tournament, AKA March Madness. New York hosts one of the early round matches around March 18th, with another early round match being held at Providence around the same date (which is less than 200 miles away) and Philadelphia (100 miles away) hosting East regional semifinals on the 25th. It’s likely that hotels are preparing to receive a large number of guests that arrive around the 15th and then stay until the 25th, since 100-200 miles is not that big a distance to drive by car or even via train or bus. In addition, there are also a number of New York sports teams that receive out of state visitors, for hockey and regular competition basketball mainly.
In addition, you have Saint Patrick’s day which is just close enough to easter to combine the 2, the NCAA Wrestling Championships that fall around the 17th, and the Red Bull Soccer home opener on March 22nd.
Combine that with Good Friday and Spring Break as Karlson mentions, and you have a combination of drunken teens wanting to party, Romantic couples and family outings around Easter, People combining SPD and Easter and athletes and supporters from 5 different disciplines that all arrive in the same city around the same period. If you don’t take advantage of that as a hotel manager, you’re a bigger saint than Saint Patrick himself.
You should check what holidays are on this day.
Basically you’re trying to book a hotel on Good Friday 2016, which also coincides with spring break for a lot of school districts.
So if you’re trying to book a hotel for a long weekend during spring break the price rise is to be expected.
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024