What's the proper etiquette for visiting the German Biergartens?

What's the proper etiquette for visiting the German Biergartens?

7/7/2016 8:54:35 AM

The best source I can find is this picture gallery of the local newspaper (Süddeutsche Zeitung, in German). My advice is based on that, own experience and other sources where mentioned:

  • You can bring your own food. (Within some limits, see below. Unless it is a “Wirtsgarten”.) In case you bring food, you might want to think of napkins, cutlery, tablecloth, etc. as well. Of course you can also buy food at the Biergarten. You buy drinks from the Biergarten, do not bring your own.
  • Do not order food to the Biergarten (i.e. calling a pizza service), that is frowned upon and can get you kicked out.
  • Do not expect service at the tables, it is all self-service. Unless there is a tablecloth (“gedeckter Tisch”). These serviced tables could also be distinguished as smaller, having chairs instead of benches (see below), but your best bet is the tablecloth. See also the comment by @mart below.
  • Typically there is a deposit on the beer mugs (and/or bottles). It is still not allowed to bring home the beer mugs as souvenirs (but many try to).
  • Biergärten are social places so you can take seats also at a table that is partially occupied. You might want to ask first if they are waiting for others though. That’s slightly impolite on their part but happens frequently.
  • Wait, that last rule only holds true for the longish tables with two benches on the sides (“Biertischgarnitur”). If it is a small table with (e.g. 4) chairs it would be strange to ask to join someone there.
  • A “Stammtisch” (table for regulars) is another exception, you need to get invited to sit there. If you are a foreigner I would not expect you to know which table is a Stammtisch, but “table with a plaque” as you describe it is a good indication. Here are some pictures of Stammtische in Biergärten. Also I would expect at most one Stammtisch per Biergarten.
  • Be social and talk (and drink) with your neighbors. Use first names and “Du” (familiar form of “you” in German) if you decide to speak German after a couple of beers. Also it’s not impolite if someone starts conversation with you.
  • Clink beer mugs with others at your table. Often! Look each other into the eyes while you do it. The way to say cheers is “Prost”.
  • Don’t drink the last sip of stale beer, get a new glass instead!
  • Biergärten can be plain full at peak hours. Either be there early, or eye around tables where people might be getting up to leave soon. It might still be a long wait.

  • If you want to blend in, be aware of what type of food you bring: people might find it funny if you bring e.g. Chinese noodles. To be on the safe side, get your food from the Biergarten or be inspired by their menus. E.g. Brezeln and Obatzda are a safe choice to bring.

  • Also be aware that you should bring a “Brotzeit” (cold snack) and not a four-course menu. This is a judgement call but people have been kicked out for this (link in German). Generally better if it looks like homemade stuff and not taken from the e.g. Pizzeria or Vietnamese place around the corner.

  • Biergärten have to close by 11pm at night and will stop serving drinks by 10:30pm. Music and/or shows will end by 10pm. Yes, there is a law for that, named after the Biergärten.

Image from Wikipedia

In this example image you see benches only so you can join any party when there is space. E.g. I suppose the lone guy in the brown shirt in the foreground did just that and is occupying the seats while a friend is getting beers. The table in the front is a good example of bringing your own food.

That should give you a good start, but I am sure the locals will be happy to explain and give you their personal advice while you are socializing. Here is another article (in English) that explains basic Biergarten etiquette.

Which one is the best Biergarten (in Munich, and around, and in general) is a whole new discussion and beyond the scope of this site. This Wiki of Biergärten around Munich lists at least 100 of them (link in German), including how to get there, opening hours, beer prices and beer supplier (very important to locals!) as well as other particularities. This site is similar but more searchable and has reviews, tripadvisor style (in German).


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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