What would happen if an airport would be closed days before returning flight?

2/24/2020 7:49:52 AM

Can it be closed? Yes. Is it likely? Not yet.

If we refer to the situation in Wuhan, then the most likely situation for the airport to be closed would be if the whole area were quarantined.

In that situation, you could have the following cases:

  • The Milan area is quarantined, but you are outside of it. Then you would need to travel through other means (train, car…).

  • The Milan area is quarantined, and the place you are staying at is within the quarantine area. Nobody can get out, but nobody can get in either, so it’s likely you would be able to stay where you are (it’s unlikely there would be new guests arriving), though the financial conditions need to be sorted out.

  • The Milan area is quarantined, the place you are staying is outside of it, but you travelled to within the quarantine area just before it was put in place. This one is the trickiest, and it’s really difficult to guess how things could play out. My hunch is that hotels in the area would have seen quite a few cancellations in the days leading up to the quarantine, so there should be places available.

In any case, it’s not like you are going to be stuck in the cold under a bridge, but it can indeed be tricky and stressful.

Make sure you get travel insurance that covers these situations. Airlines are supposed to help, but there’s a limit to what they can or will do.

2/24/2020 7:32:40 AM

According to EU law 261/2004

If an airline cancels a flight then you have the right to be scheduled onto another flight to your final destination, the airline has to provide assistance, and you have a right to compensation.

However, here we are talking about an exceptional situation. So the right to compensation will probably not exist, but the airline should still re-schedule or reroute you as soon as possible. But if an airport is shutdown for several days then this might take some time.

Also, although the airline has to provide you with assistance which includes accommodation, the reality is that if 100’s of flights are cancelled that the hotels will also be full.

So I would suggest that you look into alternative arrangements yourself.

  1. As you are arriving by car, then consider to also leave by car (or train)
    and then make alternative arrangements to get to your final
    destination (which is why I assume you will fly)
  2. If you think that this is highly likely, then look at booking a
    hotel yourself in advance. You can either:

    • Book a cheap hotel rate and if not needed you lose the money
    • Book a more expensive refundable hotel rate. And if not needed you
      can cancel and get some or all of your money back (you often have to
      cancel 24 – 48 hours in advance to get all the money back)


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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