What would be the closest place to surf to Tbilisi, Georgia?

What would be the closest place to surf to Tbilisi, Georgia?

7/5/2016 9:13:41 PM

How about Tel Aviv? I’ve seen plenty of both surfers and windsurfers there during my stays. Some magazines even place it as one of the top cities for surfing.

Getting there over land is nigh impossible, but you might have some luck getting a ferry from Turkey to Cyprus and from Cyprus to Israel.

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7/5/2016 8:44:58 PM

I once read an article in a surf magazine, maybe Surfer’s Path about surfing the Black sea coast line around Sinop.

I’ve been to Black Sea coastline in the winter. There were nice waves.

12/13/2011 2:48:59 PM

Caspian Sea is quite good for surfing.
My hometown even holds competitions on kite-surfing. The best time for this is in August and September. Later is bit dodgy as waves are really high and water is cold.
So I would advice to go to Makhachkala.


N.B. Be careful nowadays it’s not the safest place in the world 🙁

11/13/2011 10:18:05 PM

There’s no surf on the Black Sea or the Mediterranean

Are you sure?

There are some nice spots in Turkey. The most famous ones are located on the Aegean Sea. I would be more than surprised if there was no surfing spot in or around Kilyos, a suburb of Istanbul located on the shores of the Black Sea.

I do not want to lure the readers away, but I would ask the question on the Turkey Travel Planner Forum, which is an excellent resource on Turkey …

On the Russian side, I would have a look at Sotchi. But I do not know if it is easy to get there overland from Georgia.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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