What/where is this large building with flags?

What/where is this large building with flags?

1/26/2020 10:01:42 AM

This is the former Round Island House / Hotel Frontenac / The New Frontenac (with annex building) on Round Island near Clayton, NY, United States. The New Frontenac existed from ca 1898 till 1911, when it burned down. For pics and more details on its history, see Clayton’s Historic Island Hotels by Rex Ennis.

Some more pics of the former “New Frontenac”:

New Frontenac Hotel on Round Island, NY. From "Clayton's Historic Island Hotels" by Rex Ennis

New Frontenac Hotel on Round Island, NY. From Clayton Chamber of Commerce, https://www.1000islands-clayton.com/about/history/

New Frontenac Hotel on Round Island, NY. From "Did You Know? (1000 Islands Facts)" by Susan G. Smith, http://tilife.org/BackIssues/Archive/tabid/393/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/2108/Did-You-Know-1000-Islands-Facts.aspx

Here’s a map showing Round Island with the “New Frontenac”:

Map of Round Island, NY. From "Did You Know? (1000 Islands Facts)" by Susan G. Smith, http://tilife.org/BackIssues/Archive/tabid/393/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/2108/Did-You-Know-1000-Islands-Facts.aspx


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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