As far as I’m aware, the only country outside of the EU/EEA which allows for unrestricted work by citizens of other countries is Georgia. As outlined in a related question there aren’t any restrictions on working there, at least for citizens of countries which don’t require a visa to enter Georgia.
On a more practical note – assuming you’re interested in non-skilled work, the best option is to spend some time in Switzerland (since it has the highest minimum wage in Europe), earn some cash, and then spend it on traveling abroad at your own leisure. This is a lot more productive than slaving off in remote countries where the pay is 2-10 times lower for the same kinds of jobs.
Mostly if you’re 18-30 you can get working holiday visa for Australia, New Zealand and Canada (the ones I know of). Citizens of many countries can get these visas but Dutch for sure.
As mentioned in the comments, as a EU passport holder, you also have the right to work anywhere in the EU, in Switzerland and in EEA countries (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein) with the possible exception of new EU members (Romania and Bulgaria until 2014 and Croatia after that) if your own country imposes restrictions to citizens from said new members.‘
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024