Putting a screenshot of Bing Maps through reverse image search gives a second source (in addition to the forum) which includes some additional information.
From The Most Stunning Satelite Photos by the technology publication RumbleRum.
Fallon Range Training Complex, Dixie Valley, Nevada, USA
The Fallon Range Training Complex is a United States Navy military
area spanning across 84,000 acres in the Dixie Valley of Nevada, USA.
The complex primarily hosts air-to-air and air-to-ground training
exercises. In the picture given below, you can see an installation of
metal containers that are used for covert operations training as well
as instrument recognition and calibration for spy planes and
You can read more about this complex on Wikipedia. That article also provides sources for the fact that this complex is in a restricted area. Therefore, even if someone would want to travel there, it would be illegal, very dangerous, and probably very difficult to attempt that.
From the discussion here, it seems that the structures are used for military “urban warfare” training and may be constructed from shipping containers.
Probably not the best place to visit while on vacation.
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024