What is this black spot in Syria?

9/29/2018 2:35:09 AM

The area is called Tulul Alsafa, Arabic for “Al-Safa hills”.

From Wikipedia:

is a hilly region which lies in southern Syria, north-east of Jabal Al-Arab volcanic plateau. It consists of a basaltic lava field of volcanic origin, covering an area of 220 square kilometres, and contains at least 38 cinder cones

What you have zoomed in in the linked map is one of those 38 cinder cones.

Factoids: According to news reports, this area is where ISIS is “hiding” now (Sep 2018) after being hit by the Syrian army, it has unique geographical features which makes it hard for the army to follow them (according to the article I read).


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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