Presumably the same reason as on the other forms, like the DS-160:
Your U.S. Point of Contact can be any individual in the U.S. who knows
you and can verify, if necessary, your identity.
They also request the relationship you have, if any, to the person.
From my own assumptions, this would be to also check your reason for visiting – if your point of contact is say, a girlfriend, they might just double check your reasons for coming (are you trying to stay/work?).
According to the ESTA frequently asked questions:
Why is it necessary to expand the amount of ESTA information being collected from VWP travelers?
Since 9/11, the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) has evolved from a travel
facilitation program concerned about the threat of economic migration
to one with more robust security standards that are designed to
prevent terrorists and other criminal actors from exploiting the
DHS must be agile and vigilant in continually adapting to evolving
threats and hazards. DHS has not made a significant upgrade to the
ESTA application in the six years that the system has been in
operation, despite a significant evolution in the terrorist and
criminal threats to the United States. DHS has determined that the
additional data fields to the ESTA application will enhance DHS’s
ability to screen and more accurately and effectively identify
travelers who pose a potential security risk to the homeland.
So the official explanation is that it helps the US fight against terrorism. However I presume the actual explanation is the need for a security theater, rather than any valid concerns. Don’t look for any real rationale as there isn’t one – it’s simply an example of bureaucracy collecting information for the sake of collecting it.‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024