First things first. We do not pay the Border Force to amble aimlessly about in airports, nor to cluster at departure walkways without a specific purpose. While it’s true that sometimes a preventative show of force may be called for, this is done by the police. Stansted has a dedicated police force to accomplish this (as does Heathrow, as does Gatwick) and they concentrate at the outside airport drop-off point in the first instance, but since you were inside at the time you wouldn’t have seen it anyway. The police will also concentrate at tube stations serving the airport.
Next, Stansted is hopelessly understaffed and there are few, if any, resources available for exit checking. Exit checking is done by interfaces to the various airline systems and dovetailing the information they get to their own systems. It means exit checking is primarily a “back office function”. Even worse, more often than not, the primary control point for arrivals is staffed by HMRC officers who have little or no clue how the rules work.
So why are they in position where you saw them? Let’s look at some of the possibilities…
It’s within your rights to ask them outright what they are doing there; and it’s within their rights to tell you to take a hike. Personally I don’t recommend it, it can distract them from their mission.
Further reading: An Inspection of Border Force Operations at Stansted Airport
Also: An Inspection of the Intelligence Functions of Border Force and Immigration Enforcement
“What do these Border Force agents actually do, if not conducting exit border checks?”
The missions of these various agencies are often very broad and overlapping.
It’s quite possible they were there just as a ‘show of force’, with no specific tasks. Agencies will often take turns doing this, Border Force one day, Airport Police then next, HMRC after that.
The simplest answer is that those Officers were there because that was their post for the day.
For clarity, I am familiar with these situations. You can always ask the Officers, politely. But keep in mind, they probably cannot tell you anything about their specific task, if they had one.
To be perfectly clear, yes, it can be that simple. They are there just to be there, with no other specific mission.‘
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024