What is the cheapest way to go from Lyon (France) to Milan (Italy)?

4/26/2013 5:01:36 PM

Take the bus. Idbus has three connections per day. It takes 8 1/2 hours and the price is 29 or 39 EUR, depending on the departure time . Alternatively, you can also have a look at Eurolines.

The train is a bit faster, but also more expensive. For the day you mention, prices start at 48 EUR.

Easyjet used to operate between Milano Malpensa and Lyon. But they stopped the route a few days ago. But given the prices for bus and train, flying is hardly competitive, if you take into account transfers to and from the airports. The case of Lyon is e.g. handled in this disussion.

If you are flexible, you might also consider ride-sharing, “covoiturage” in French. You can have a look at covoiturage-libre.fr or BlaBlaCar. If in addition you are adventurous, hitchhiking might be an option. Flexibility is required for both these options, as there is no guarantee that you will find a ride on the exactly the date you specified or to the place you want.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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