What is Rule 240 in Air Travel?

8/24/2012 7:42:46 PM

By being able to quote “Rule 240” you’re a step ahead of the crowd. This is particularly true in the United States, less so in most other parts of the world.

The U.S. is very consumer friendly. Being “bumped” is an “unfriendly” act, for which the passenger is deemed to deserve compensation. By quoting Rule 240, you demonstrate your awareness of:

  1. this underlying (American) thought pattern, and
  2. some of the mechanics of this compensation.

Basically, you’ve shown that you know how to “stand up for your rights” in a very litigious society. Most U.S. airline people on hearing this will go out their way to accommodate you — if they can.

2/20/2012 11:06:05 AM

Yes, it’s only relevant in the US, although in the EU the equivalent (more or less) rule is EU Regulation 261/2004. Technically it no longer exists.

From the FAA’s FAQ:

The term “Rule 240” refers to a rule that existed before airline deregulation. There is no longer an actual Rule 240. The term, as it is now used, refers to each airline´s “conditions of carriage” policy. You would need to contact the airlines to obtain this.

And then there’s also a relevant Wikipedia page:

Federal Aviation Administration Rule 240 mandated that an airline with
a delayed or canceled flight had to transfer passengers to another
carrier if the second carrier could get passengers to the destination
more quickly than the original airline.

The original rule, referring to a federal requirement before airline
deregulation in 1978, is long-obsolete; however, the major US
airlines have filed “conditions of carriage” with the U.S. Department
of Transportation guaranteeing their similar provisions. These
provisions vary from airline to airline, and generally apply only to
delays that are absolutely the airline’s fault, such as mechanical
delays, and not to “force majeure” events such as weather, strikes, or
“acts of God”.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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