What is an effective means for complaining to an airline and having my complaint properly addressed?

12/23/2015 2:50:25 PM

You can also try Airline Complaints, an online forum aimed at rendering complaints against airlines public. They state that they automatically contact the airline as soon as the complaint is lodged:

3) What happens when I post a complaint?

It immediately becomes public and we notify the airline directly that your complaint has been filed with us.

Although forum boards are kind of old school, publicly airing your complaint on a dedicated platform might work.

12/16/2020 4:09:35 AM

Twitter. Seriously, use twitter.

I’ve not done it a lot, but have had to complain to a few airlines in my time travelling.

  • Phone: they didn’t care, usually, just wanted to end the call.
  • Email: sometimes no response, sometimes automated. Sometimes helpful.
  • Facebook: I’ve not done this, but friends have had better responses here as it’s also pretty public, and others usually chime in with your complaint.
  • Twitter: within hours/minutes, a response to take your query offline/private, and to help deal with it. They do NOT like complaints being aired on twitter, so they try to help ASAP with that outlet.


  • twitter – apart from Jetstar Australia, when I tweeted that they were no help and I’d had to buy a ticket with Virgin instead, replied "have a good flight".
12/14/2018 3:56:16 PM

Social media is the way! file a proper complain via the airline’s webpage or email, then follow up in Twitter or Facebook.

Airlines hate it when people pick on them publicly. They will love to look like they are doing a good job and then reply you online to undo whatever image damage you have done.

This is my advice as a person working for an airline.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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