Well rules are… rules! It is useless to wonder whether they are pointful or pointless. A pocket knife like the swiss army knife you show is certainly not a very serious weapon. The problem is that the staff controlling the entrance need clear rules. A really pointful rule would be forbid all dangerous weapons. Simply every person could have its own opinion on where is the limit between a dangerous weapon and a harmless tools. So the solution is to edict simple even if rather stupid rules like forbid any knife or scissors because there is far less place for local interpretation.
There have been (and still are) lots of discussions about “Swiss Army Knives” and “Multitools” in Germany. Some say that they count as weapons (if you can lock the blade and open it one-handed) and as such wearing them in public is prohibited. This is regulated in §42A WaffG: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/waffg_2002/__42a.html
For some references (all in German), see:
A couple years ago my family went to Universal Studio. My daughter had two larg-ish knives in her bag and she realized that as we were walking from parking to the gates.
She ended up hiding them under a bush along the path rather than going all the way back to the car.
She picked them up on the way out that evening.
Subjective but probably very relevant:
The red knife, if you mistakenly brought it into a place were you weren’t supposed to, you might successfully excuse as being indeed just a pocket knife that you carry out of habit or because you use it for work and leisure, which you accidentally forgot to leave at home or stow in your vehicle/luggage.
The black knife would make most people assume that either a) you are a knife collector or outdoors fan that should know better than to be irresposible with it or to ignore a knife ban, or b) that you are up to no good and using the fact pocket knives are generally allowed if adhering to certain design rules (which should still be OK with if there isn’t a longer blade in that one!) in public in germany where not prohibited as an excuse. Yes, I see it is just a multitool when taking a second look, but the military style looks and superficial similarity to a balisong (two folding handles) would at first have me quite alarmed if I saw someone handling that in public. (Legal) military styled knives and (illegal!!) balisongs are frequently carried by rough youth to intimidate…
In any case… in Germany, the (excuse the pun) defensive thing to do if you transport a knife and want to make clear you are not intending anyone harm is to pack it in a manner that makes instant access impossible (eg in multiple bags, wrapped and taped, in a locked or zipped box). With some knives, that actually makes the difference between legally transporting and illegally carrying it.
Posted from comments as asked.
I made a similar mistake at tourist attractions in the past when I forgot mine was in my bag, I had it confiscated from me and it was apparently disposed of. I asked if I could collect it on my way out as it was a family gift but a policy is a policy and there was nothing the staff could do.
Edit: I was given the option of leaving without refund and keeping my knife with me.
If you email/call beforehand you will get a definitive answer as a small pocket knife can be classed differently or the same as a knife depending on who has written the rules. If you choose to contact them and they say it is okay, then bring a printed/digital copy of that so you can show it if you do run into problems. If you can’t get any answers it would be best to leave it at home than risk losing it/getting removed from the park.
It looks like you won’t be allowed in to the park with a knife, and if you try to do so then it may be confiscated by park security and / or you’ll be ejected from the park.
The list of prohibited items includes "sharp/pointed knives" and "pocket knives" (thanks to Toivo Säwén for pointing out the second one) with the only exceptions listed as "blunt cutlery knives, manicure sets, student pencil case equipment (scissors, compasses etc)"
From the park rules
3.3. Weapons and offensive items (pistols, knives, chains, knuckle-dusters, fireworks, etc.), nor any kind of discriminatory, violence glorifying, or anti-constitutional material must not be carried within the park site.
- Visitor Security Checks
8.1. All visitors wishing to enter the park premises (to which these Park Rules apply) must declare their consent to the voluntary security checks performed by the security staff of Europa-Park. All instructions outlined by the security personnel must be followed. Any lack of cooperation may result in the direct refusal of entry to the park for the unwilling party. The security personnel are authorised to examine visitors who they may deem as posing a threat to safety due to alcohol consumption, drug abuse, or carrying a weapon. All visitors must declare their consent to the possible examination of their clothing, luggage or containers carried on their person.
8.2. Security personnel are authorised to ban visitors who may pose a threat to safety from the park’s environs.
8.3. The same applies to visitors who refuse to submit themselves or their personal effects for security checks. In addition to this, security personnel are authorised to seize any goods deemed not in accordance with the Park Rules (i.e. drugs, weapons, etc.).
8.4. Security personnel are authorised to carry out random security checks on visitors already on the park premises.
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024