Others have already addressed how to avoid loss of all cards and handle replacements of ones you do need to replace, but one really important ingredient is what you do in the mean time while you have no money. Having a purely electronic way to make payment can help with that part of the problem, at least when you’re in a location where you can find places to use it. This could include:
There are two main strategies:
These are your best defense. If you get pick-pocketed, they will unlikely get it all. If you can robbed and asked to hand over everything or searched, they may get everything but it depends how creative you are.
In the unlikely event that it all gets taken from you, you must usually file a police report if you expect to make an insurance claim. Otherwise, call your credit card company or bank and ask for replacement cards. Depending on the type of card you have and if the bank has a local presence, you may get one in less than 24 hours and some even provide emergency cash as a service.
You can make this more easy by keeping relevant phone numbers and account info somewhere. One physical copy is nice to have but an online version can save you. Remember to have it in very secure server to avoid identity theft issues.
Where are you traveling? The ‘good’ thing is getting pickpocketed in most developed or developing areas is the same as getting pickpocketed at home…you lose the wallet and whatever is in it.
So, the same rules apply:
if you have alternate cards, it may not be worth trying to get a replacement while traveling.
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024