What does this Swiss black on yellow rectangular traffic sign with a symbol looking like a dart mean?

What does this Swiss black on yellow rectangular traffic sign with a symbol looking like a dart mean?

6/15/2019 1:10:06 PM

The pictogram on the road-sign is just the symbol within the swiss armed forces for a Truck driver. That’s the reason why you probably won’t find it unless you know what you are looking for.

The drivers themselves will get a badge like the one below. a badge

So this sign is an instruction for a military truck driver.

6/17/2019 10:32:03 AM

Signals with a black border and black text on yellow ground are military signals, as defined in Art 101.8 of the Swiss Road Signal Ordenance (Signalisationsverordnung, not available in english):

Gelb-schwarze Signale, ausgenommen die Signale «Hauptstrasse» (3.03) und «Ende Hauptstrasse» (3.04), richten sich ausschliesslich an die Führer von Militärfahrzeugen.7 Die Signale haben einen gelben Grund; der Rand, die Schrift und die Symbole sind schwarz. Die Bestimmungen zum Schutze der Signale (Art. 98 SVG) sind anwendbar.

They are only valid for drivers of military vehicles while in active duty.

The meaning of these symbols is the following

enter image description here

(Image courtesy of Swiss Army Logistics Base, not available online)

  • Top left: military use [of road] allowed
  • Top right: max weight 5t
  • Bottom left: max width 1.8m
  • Bottom right: trailer allowed

On how to read the sign post in the first picture in general, the general rule is to read from top to bottom:

  • Passage is forbidden for any motorized vehicle
  • Motorized military vehicles are allowed to pass if they are less than 1.8m wide
  • Permission (for civilians) to use the road with a motorized vehicle can be granted by the municipal council of Ennenda
  • In any case you need an all wheel drive to use the road


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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