What does this control do on new airplanes?

12/4/2018 2:22:45 PM

It is windows shade adjustment. In the new B787 lines, you press up/down button to make the windows darker or brighter.

The process takes minutes so you might not be able to realize it. It’s not as quick as a curtain.

The crew can control it to simulate the night on long flight. So the button will end up being useless during “night mode”. They can also control it to brighten all windows during landing. This replaces the instruction to passengers to open all windows before landing (the usual routine; besides putting up tray tables and putting down arm rests). The rationale is that in case of an evacuation, passengers should be able to see whether evacuation on their side of the plane is safe i.e. no fires.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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