HZ/SU means the last person to touch this PNR was agent HZ, who has a _SU_pervisor role. 0007HZ is the full signing for the agent, who works at BOMVS1234.
TC-PER means that all availability requests done while having this PNR open will be biased as per the policy established by the agency under the PER designator.
TST means there is a stored TST in the PNR, while RLR means that all or some of the airlines involved in this itinerary have returned an airline reference.
Some codes are listed here.
RLR is indeed Record Locator Return, read more in this guide.
An Amadeus guide for profiles guide says:
RLP-tag on the header line indicates that the PNR is created from a profile
BOMVS1234 is a Pseudo City Code (PCC) which is a fancy name for “agent code”.
Edit: I found HZ/SU for you! That’s SAT Airlines (now Aurora) codesharing with Aeroflot. And 0007HZ is surely the flight number.
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024