What direct flights connect Brazil or Argentina to South Africa?

7/19/2012 2:11:29 AM

If you wanted to find out direct flights from one city to another city based on flight schedules, use www.routehappy.com .

Example – all direct flights from Buenos Aires

Disclaimer: I work for Routehappy

10/27/2011 6:31:40 PM

I don’t believe a definite list of flights exist, but here’s what I found after a fairly exhaustive search.

  • Buenos Aires, Argentina to Cape Town, South Africa on Malaysia Airlines
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina to Johannesburg, South Africa on South African Airways
  • Sao Paulo, Brazil to Luanda, Angola on TAAG Angola Airlines
  • Sao Paulo, Brazil to Johannesburg, South Africa on South African Airways
  • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to Luanda, Angola on TAAG Angola Airlines
  • Fortaleza, Brazil to Praia, Cape Verde on TACV
7/29/2011 2:28:11 AM

  1. Find a busy city in South America, say São Paulo
  2. Find the web site of its airport: Infraero (all brazilian airports)
  3. Look for a flight from São Paulo on an african company: Consulte seu voo, say South African Airways
  4. And you can find direct flights to Johannesburg.

Another way would be to check national airline companies of major destinations: Cairo, Rio de Janeiro, Nairobi, Buenos Aires, …

I am not aware of a method for finding all direct flights from one continent to another.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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