What countries allow the export of butterflies?

8/14/2016 2:27:00 PM

All i can say is INDIA: FORGET IT. http://www.theskepticalmoth.com/collecting-permits/ .I’m from India, btw. And trust me, you dont want to go through the maze of Indian biodiversity rules, restrictions, conditions and regulations on intercontinental transport.

10/31/2014 6:05:12 AM

Some years back I went to a butterfly farm in Suriname. Their core business was exporting butterfly dolls to European and American Butterfly gardens.
At the time it seemed like a very interesting business model. Due to the climate American and European butterfly gardens depend on a steady stream of new Dolls. I was told that the through put was a shipment per three weeks per butterfly garden. This specific farm had quite some species available.

It might be a solution to find these providers in various country. I was told that there are also some in Central America. These farms would not only be a good source for butterfly’s they might also assist you in import regulations, since they have to deal with them on a daily base.

If Suriname is not in reach, you could try to contact your local butterfly farm and inquire about their providers.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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