What city is this on the Apple TV screensaver?

What city is this on the Apple TV screensaver?

1/21/2021 12:57:04 PM

If you want to find this out for yourself next time, use your remote!

No, not the one you lost. Use the remote app on your iPhone or iPad! This works just as well to determine which screensaver is showing – a light tap in the touchpad area will do.

For those who might own an Apple TV but yet not have other Apple devices, there are also Apple TV Remote Apps for Android

1/16/2021 12:53:50 AM

It is Dubai. You can find a list of all Apple TV Screensavers at


This one is Dubai 5

1/15/2021 7:44:51 PM

Don’t forget to try Google Image Search and Google Lens first. Results searching with your image with Google Lens:

You will see many results showing Dubai.

enter image description here

1/15/2021 2:24:10 PM

It’s Dubai Marina.

The video starts more or less above the middle of the Al Sayorah St. bridge and the camera heads North East.

If you go to this location in Google Maps and switch to street view, the buildings should look familiar! https://goo.gl/maps/NRbz7wBRqoqcSFtY7

1/15/2021 2:09:00 PM

According to this article, it looks like it’s Dubai:

The two screenshots below are Dubai’s downtown waterway shot during the day.

enter image description here


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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